New Leaders: Ditch the Org Chart

At least for the first 90 days

Suzan Bond
5 min readNov 25, 2022
A woman with long brown hair wearing a light colored dress smiles as she gestures with her hands at a woman across the table.
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

The entrance to leadership is accompanied by the highest of highs. We have more responsibility and a title to go with it. Now we can have the impact we’ve always wanted. We can create the kind of org we long to be a part of. It’s all so wonderful, dream-like — the pinnacle of what we’ve been working towards.

We find a few bite-size problems to solve. This makes us feel good. We search for more. Soon, too soon, we’re out of easy problems to solve. The problems become more thorny, embedded in the company, in the culture. The enormity of the role sinks in. We feel like we don’t know what we’re doing. Our inner monologue begins to run, pestering us with questions.

“What if they made a mistake?

What if I’m not good enough?

Do I deserve this role?

How do I show my value?

Do I have any value?”

Feeling unsure, we look for something tangible to deliver. Anything. We probably can’t change company goals. We do have control over our team. We reach for the most tangible thing we can find: a new org chart. We reason that this will resolve some problems and show our value in a tangible way, a deliverable.



Suzan Bond

Leadership coach for new technology leaders. Fast Company contributor. Former COO Travis CI. Twitter: @suzanbond